The American Story

 Chinese Adoptees & Adoptee Culture

What is the adoptee "community?"
  1. Collectivism in (Asian) Adoptee Culture
  2. How Abandonment Explanations Fuel Self Hate and Perpetuate Lies about Worth
  3. Famous Adoptees: A List
  4. Celebrating "Gotcha" Day
  5. Do Not Volunteer with Orphans
  6. My Holt Camp Experience
  7. Save Your Tears for the Truth
  8. Coming out of the Proverbial Adoptee Fog
  9. Out of the Fog, Part 2
  10. What Does Being Female Have to Do With It?
  11. Smile for the Camera! The Pressure to Keep Up Appearances for Adoptive Parents
  12. Rolling Out the Red Carpet for Chinese Adoptees
  13. Belonging and Not Belonging in the Chinese Adoption Community
  14. Apologia: Good (= Safe) and Dealing with Expectations
  15. Rant On Adoption Narratives
  16. Journal Entry, Late August 2021
  17. Journal Entry, Late February 2022
  18. What can the "abandonment narrative" do for YOU?
  19. Opinion: Adoptees Searching vs. Adoptive Parents Searching For Birthparents
  20. dear china group

    Mental Health

    Let's Talk About Race

    (I'm a confident Chinese-American woman. So why does the world "grapple" with who I am and then turn around and accuse me of grappling with my identity? Maybe I'm not the "confused" one here.)

    Words, words, words

    1. What Lucky Really Means
    2. We Need to Talk Vocabulary: Burden, Abandoned, Orphanage
    3. The Burden of Gratitude
    4. Take Destiny Out of the Equation and Listen
    5. Where are you really from? And Other Classics
    6. Syntax: The Right To Have Love vs. Deserving Love
    7. Feeling Unwanted and Unloved
    8. It's Getting Noisy in Here! This is what an adoptee hears
    9. The Cunning Branding of the "Angry Adoptee"
    10. Chinese Adoptee Mythology: Objectification and Trivialization of Chinese Adoptees
    11. "Blood doesn't make a family, love does." Actually, they aren't mutually exclusive.
    12. Rant: Rude Assumptions & Stupid Questions
    13. Etiquette Tips When Talking About Adoption
    14. Some Words: Romanticism, Volition, Fate
    15. Things Intelligent Transracial Adoptees Are Tired of Heating on College Campuses
    16. The Word "Trafficking"
    Ranting and raving about how adoptees are covered in media...and how we represent ourselves.
    1. Wait, wait, don't tell me...Who am I?: The Media's Obsession with Adoptee Identity
    2. 30 Rock Adoption Humor Questions the Status Quo
    3. Satire: How to be an Adoptive Parent (According to the Internet)
    4. Fake News & Fairytales: Imagery and Branding
    5. Freak Show Filler-- From Human Zoos to Adoption "Feels"
    6. Justifying Adoption Sorrows: Because feeling sad just isn't enough
    7. A Guide to Orphan Tropes
    8. Rant: So I suppose America draws the line at finding fees?
    9. I am a Transracial Adoptee and I am not "Grappling" with my Racial Identity
    10. For Allies Against Racism: How to Advocate Effectively Online
    11. Transracial Adoptees According to the Media: Grappling, Struggling, and Hopelessly Confused
    12. Problematic: Orphan Success Story
    13. Greatness: Chinese Adoptees in the Tokyo Olympics 2021


    1. Mother's Day 2020: Dear Birthmother
    2. My Supportive Family
    3. My 100th Post (Timeline of events)
    4. This is my life


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