Famous Adoptees: A List

Adoptees move mountains! Produce, create, write, and sing! Adoptees are amazing! Being an adoptee is a part of our identity. It isn't sequestered in a box of good's and bad's or high's and low's. It is interwoven in the fabric of our beings and can act as a powerful motivator to achieve great things. Many of these famous people might have had similar feelings as you, and their careers and lives have been shaped by their experiences. Feeling love and longing, not enough and exceeding all conceivable expectations, knowing they belong and feeling anger, loss, sorrow, and pain. If you get a chance to check these people out, do so.

Note: This is NOT a comprehensive list! But you can quickly find more lists online!

Click the Links to their Wikipedia Page to find out more!
  1. Steve Jobs
  2. Edgar Allen Poe
  3. Marilyn Monroe
  4. Nicole Richie
  5. Kristen Chenoweth (additional link to Larry King Interview)
  6. Michael Bay
  7. Sarah McLachlan
  8. Faith Hill
  9. Jamie Foxx
  10. Art Linkletter
  11. Debbie Harry
  12. Michelle Visage


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