Let's visualize the data. DNAConnect Located Searching Birthfamilies

DNAConnect.Org is a leader in transparency when it comes to the data it collects on located searching birthfamilies. This raw data is available here on their website (https://www.dnaconnect.org/birth-families). However, sometimes the data can be daunting in their giant spreadsheet.

Here's a couple charts to help visualize the data. The story behind this data is not up for speculation. Hard evidence that comes from interviews, court documents, and birthfamily testimony paint a very clear picture of China's International Adoption program.

I applaud the efforts of the International Chinese Adoption Search Community in their commitment to use autosomal DNA testing kits so that everyone on both sides of the world can get much needed relief, love, and closure. 

Further Reading: 




All the data in the below map comes from the DNA matches made by DNAConnect.Org. 
Not included is the overlapping list of the six original Hunan orphanages accused of trafficking back in 2005:  Qidong, Hengnan, Hengshan, Hengyang, Hengdong, and Changning.


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