Challenging the Official Story: Truth and Lies of Chinese Adoption (Part 1)

The Fairy Tale

In a beautiful country, across the world called China, a little baby was born to parents who loved her very much. Unfortunately, they could not keep her because there was a law that parents could only have one child. 

(Oh, and there was a traditional preference for boys.) 

Anyway...your mommy loved you so much, that she had to make an adoption plan. So, in the middle of the night, your mom snuck out of the house and put you down outside a bridge, a police station, or a food market, knowing that someone would find you in the morning. 

(Because it was illegal to have you, illegal to bring you to the orphanage herself, illegal to abandon you, and illegal to keep you.)

She went back to the house because she couldn't get caught, but she was sure you'd be safe. Then, a nice police officer or shopkeeper found you in the morning and took you to the orphanage. 

The orphanage workers loved you very much and played with you and read you books. 

Then, your adoptive parents came all the way across the world on plane to get you. When you got back home, everyone was so excited and loved you very much. 

You were finally home. 



I always thought, why did my parents have me knowing they couldn't keep me? Or, if they really loved me, they would have found a way to make it work. That's the theme of every movie and book, right? You find a way to make it work. The story for children isn't detailed enough to provide a sufficient reason for "giving me up." The full weight of the One Child Policy makes you realize how free-will and choice were not really factors here, but that isn't conveyed in the fairytale.

And you know what the kicker is? Despite how awful this fairytale is, where birthmoms are forced to give up their babies, people cling to it like a life raft.


Articles and Videos made in this "era of ignorance"

National Geographic's "China's Lost Girls" hosted by Lisa Ling 2005: 


Part 2: The Grim "Reality" (Nationwide Human Trafficking aka Baby Buying Programs and Relinquishment aka Not Abandoned)
Part 3: The New Age of DNA Tests (All Stories)


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