Who Controls the Narrative?

This is my blog--so the answer is simple: I do.

Yet, in the world at large, I do not get to control the narrative about what happened to me. It is very difficult to find the truth about Chinese adoption and then it is very difficult to talk to others who do not believe in the truth. I do not get to control the narrative about my life right now either, apparently--about transracial adoption, transnational adoption, adoption, Chinese adoption, or just being an adoptee.

I, like so many of the friends, are growing up as Chinese adoptees in multiracial homes just like normal people...and we aren't babies anymore. Many are adults with weddings on the way. We have thoughts, feelings, and opinions. Very often, though, articles and opinion pieces are written about us by outsiders who decide that we are social experiments and victims.

Um, hello. Do I get a say in my life? Do I get to share my own story?

It is very frustrating to see so much nonsense being written about my very existence. I am not your pawn in your pro or anti adoption crusade. I am not your pawn in your (fill in the blank)  agenda.

Everyone wants to focus on human trafficking in China without understanding the One Child Policy (its exceptions, nuances, and inconsistencies). Everyone wants some victim blood, but no one wants to listen.

But here. Here. I get to control the narrative, on this tiny slice of internet that no one ever reads. It is not enough.


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